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Ad Fraud Session 101: Decoding Ad Fraud & Measurement

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Measuring Cyber Risks around Digital Ad Fraud & Brand Safety

We conducted a qualitative interview with Mr. Stephane Hamel to discuss issues around data privacy, advertising fraud and discussed the future of digital advertising. 

Key Discussions :

  • Why and how can marketing based on data cohort work?

  • Future of ad-networks in privacy first world?

  • Role of Regulation in fighting menace of Digital
    Ad Fraud?


At Ad Fraud Session 101, we bring together industry leaders to talk on topics like Advertising Fraud, Mobile Ad Fraud, Data Privacy and Future of Advertising. For our first session, we conducted a qualitative interview with Mr. Stephane Hamel.

In this interview, we discussed upon data cohort based marketing, future of ad-networks in privacy first world and role of regulation in curbing the menace of digital ad fraud. Stephane Hamel, a seasoned independent consultant and distinguished thought leader, has been pushing for a concept called "No Consent, No Tracking", during his interview with us, he said, "If you want to collect data, you need to ask your customers."

Meet the Presenters

Abhinav Bangia | Com Olho

Abhinav Bangia, Founder & Director of Technology at Com Olho, focuses on detecting and preventing digital fraud as it is slowly and steadily corrupting our vision of a fast-paced digital society. He wishes to support the government and global enterprises with Com Olho's proprietary technology to fence down this growing menace. 

Stephane Hamel | Com Olho

Stephane Hamel, a seasoned independent consultant and distinguished thought leader in the field of digital marketing and analytics. He advises global clients, agencies, start-ups, and vendors in the digital analytics industry on data maturity matters, the ethical use of data, and how to grow a data-informed culture.

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