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90% of your brand campaign impressions are not seen by humans and 2-5% CTR is created by Bots.

Updated: May 28, 2022

When it comes to brand campaigns aka CPM's or top of the funnel campaigns, marketers are least concerned on how much such campaigns would add to the bottom of the funnel, we often hear if we have 2-5% CTR then we must keep spending. Marketers are confident too that such brand campaigns would add a lot to the brand visibility and name assuming they are being shown across all channels of digital engagement.

We recently analysed more than 100 mobile applications engaging in generating impressions through their inventory leveraging ad exchanges, and the results are shocking and revealing on how much dirty business is going inside advertising technology right now.

Understanding Good CPM Traffic

The healthy traffic and to be examined traffic is visualised over a 2d scatter plot to understand data behaviour of the impressions (CPM) acquired for the brand by the networks, affiliates and other sources.


Once visualised we can clearly see a strong relevance of the “To be Examined Impressions” with our Healthy Vector. The inventory of such network/affiliate can be highly effective for the brand as it seen by real humans.


Good Impression Traffic Source

Understanding Bad CPM Traffic – Type 1

The healthy traffic and to be examined traffic is visualised over a 2d scatter plot to understand data behaviour of the impressions (CPM) acquired for the brand by the networks, affiliates and other sources.


Once visualised we can clearly see a puny relevance of the “To be Examined Impressions” with our Healthy Vector. The inventory of such network/affiliate cannot be highly effective for the brand as it is not seen by real humans.


Bad Impression Traffic Source

Understanding Bad CPM Traffic – Type 2

The healthy traffic and to be examined traffic is visualised over a 2d scatter plot to understand data behaviour of the impressions (CPM) acquired for the brand by the networks, affiliates and other sources.


Once visualised we can clearly see a puny relevance of the “To be Examined Impressions” with our Healthy Vector. The inventory of such network/affiliate cannot be highly effective for the brand as it is not seen by real humans.


Worse Impression Traffic Source

You cannot buy engagement, you would have to build it-Nelson


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